Return & Refund

You may return your items within 5 days of delivery if there is any unsatisfaction with the item or any defects for replacement. Please note that if the item has been installed, we will not accept any return.

Delivery arrangements and charges for the return of products to us will be at your own cost. Please kindly contact us to arrange a date and time for the receipt of your return item(s) to our warehouse facility.

Only items in as-new condition can be returned. Products with scratches, stains, damages, drilling, animal fur, odours, or any other modification will not be accepted.

We reserve the right to reject a return request of a product that, in our reasonable opinion, is of unacceptable condition due to stains, odours, wear and tear, misuse, or poor maintenance and care of the product.

You will receive your refund in store credits.

Sale items, display set pieces, and custom orders (e.g. customised size, colour and/or material) are not returnable, exchangeable or refundable.